Saturday, March 24, 2012

Elephant Toothpaste!

One of the great things I’ve discovered in Pinterest is a wealth of things to do with Leah.  When we don’t know what to do, we typically take a walk or run around the backyard or watch TV or maybe paint, but there are so many great things out there that people have come up with and that my friends pin.  My friend Michelle is a Montessori instructor and always puts up lots of fun things for kids to do, and I’m always intrigued by what she comes up with.  One of my favorite pins of hers was one for Elephant Toothpaste, which I enthusiastically repinned.

Elephant Toothpaste comes from Preschool Powol Packets, a blog run by a homeschooling mom who runs her own day care.  I was so excited when I read about this and saw the picture, but had a hard time finding the peroxide required.  I finally ordered it off and this week on a bright and sunny day, we decided to make a big mess in the back yard.  Leah absolutely adored this project.  We made 4 bottles of elephant toothpaste and she smeared it happily all over her little table and our back porch.  We tried different colors and she demanded to be the one to pour the ingredients together, so she got to do a lot of hands on stuff as well, which was great.  It really appealed to her tactile demands—my girl LOVES to get messy and sticky and put her hands into everything.

Thanks, Michelle, for a great pin!

The ingredients:  Dish soap, warm water, yeast, food coloring, hydrogen peroxide (we used 8 percent)
Watching the yeast bubble
Pour in the peroxide
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At first, she really didn’t know what to make of it…

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Then she started touching it.  She liked that it was warm and soft and bubbly.  When the reaction ended, we immediately made blue.

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For the last bottle, she loved squeezing it out onto the table and making as much of a mess as she could!

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